Your calendar – wherever you are,

grafik elektroniczny pokoje pensjonaty

Manage your reservations anytime on any device you want.
No matter where you are, keep track of your booking enquires.

Bookings Search

Find your reservations within seconds – all from one place. All info about your bookings, paid deposits and your customers always backened and available.

wyszukiwarka rezerwacji program rezerwacje

Arrivals and Departures

Print out the check in / check out list with just one click. Be shure which rooms need cleaning in first place.

rezerwacja online grafik pokoje pensjonat

Detailed Guest Information

A long weekend ahead? Need a complete guest list to make an email marketing? View all necessary information about your guests and keep in touch with them. Build your relationship with them so they continue to come back in the future.
Relax - Work Comfortably!

elektroniczny grafik rezerwacji obsługa gości

New functions ahead

We are constantly seeking ways to improve ZAPiZAP.
Do you have any ideas? Share them with us and let us know what you need.

Email us